According to Wikipedia, this is the second largest street fair in the world, with a million or two people going crazy in Notting Hill, only a few blocks from our hotel. But what they don't say is that it's probably the loudest, too. The carnival consists of an endless parade that winds through Notting Hill, with blocks and blocks of food stalls grilling away, storefronts selling drinks, souvenirs or what ever they had to sell, enormous sound systems pounding out deafening music, mostly reggae, and thousands upon thousands of people of all ages and many colors. It's a pretty big assault on the senses and once you push your way in, there's no refuge. The costumed paraders come through the main route every 10 or 15 minutes, usually with a bus or truck full of speakers blasting away at the front and another at the back, squeezing the crowds into the curb. The crowd becomes part of the parade, filling in after each group slowly moves by.

The streets were lined with barbecue booths grilling chicken and corn, pubs selling beer and Pims on every corner, and an all day parade that included flatbed trucks with enormous deafening sound systems blasting Reggae loud enough to shake the pavement and nearby buildings.

Outrageously decorated people were either buried deep in their costumes or had barely any costume at all.

The famously friendly London Bobbies were out in force, quietly watching over the proceedings. On rare occasion they were also seen arresting and handcuffing a few rowdy teens, so I guess they really do know how to take care of business when they have to.

Garbage filled the gutters... there were virtually no rubbish containers in site. A massive street cleanup was to take place at midnight, with plans to recycle virtually everything. The next day there was little evidence of the huge party anywhere.
Check out the size of those speakers!