All over Berlin, you can find these stolperstein or stumbling blocks, yet another of the many reminders here of the atrocities of the Nazis. We saw these and many other stolperstein while hanging out in the thriving Hackescher Markt area in central Berlin (Mitte). The brass cobblestones are memorials for Jews (and others who opposed the Nazis) who previously lived at the location of placement, along with the date that they were born, date deported and the date and location that they were murdered, typically a concentration camp like Auschwitz. They are often found in clusters, representing entire families. Apparently there are more than 3000 of these in Berlin and more than 20,000 across various cities and countries in Europe. It's really hard to walk around any part of Berlin and not be confronted by some memorial, historical marker, building or other symbol of the Holocaust or the Cold War. The city itself is really one gigantic memorial to the worst things that humans can do to each other and it doesn't seem to be afraid to make this very apparent and in many ways. Yet Berlin is not a depressing place. To the contrary, it's a very energetic and vibrant city... perhaps as a mission. (Click the picture to enlarge. Click stolperstein to read more about this fascinating and ongoing project.)
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